Video games are quickly becoming one of the most popular media formats in the world. Video games have the unique ability to make narrative interactive and participatory. Whether you enjoy the technical aspects of computer programming or the artistic side of creating storyboards, 游戏行业的工作适合各种技能. 了解更多关于游戏行业的工作, 行业前景, 共同的教育要求.
Earning an online degree 在游戏和互动媒体设计 can make this degree possible for anyone, whether you are looking to go back to school as an adult or you are a recent high school graduate. Studying online allows you to earn this important qualification while balancing other commitments such as work and family.
PBA的 网络游戏与互动媒体设计学位 能让你的事业更上一层楼. Continue reading to learn more about the career options for graduates from this cutting-edge program.
The video game industry is one of the fastest-growing areas of the economy. 游戏目前是242.这一数字预计将达到583亿美元.到2030年达到690亿美元. The gaming industry meets the demands of a growing global community of 3.220亿玩家. 远不是一个小众的消遣, the gaming industry provides some of the most exciting career prospects for current students. Jobs in the gaming industry have nearly unlimited potential due to the continual advance of technology and growing global demand.
在游戏产业中有许多令人兴奋的工作. Learning more about the career paths can help you select a role that fits your skills, 利益, 和动机.
首席设计师s are responsible for overseeing the process of creating a game. The lead game designer coordinates with all members of the team to make sure that the overall feel of the game is a good fit for the target demographic.
游戏机制设计师s use their understanding of software and graphics to develop the rules and systems that create a game’s user experience.
水平的设计师s work on levels of a game to weave together a coherent narrative and an appropriate level of challenge.
而玩家控制着游戏玩法的某些方面, there are many other aspects that run autonomously in the background. 系统设计师s make sure a game’s background features flow together smoothly.
电子游戏是喜欢大胆思考的创意人士的绝佳媒介. 世界名牌s can situate a video game’s narrative in a unique world with its own rules and history.
技术设计师s use their expert computer programming skills to connect game design with practical implementation. 技术设计师s may also fix bugs and make sure the game’s underlying code is in good condition.
电子游戏是发展最快的叙事形式之一. Students who are passionate about story and narrative may enjoy writing video games and developing captivating worlds and characters.
UI, or user interface is one of the most important aspects of a game’s success. Skilled 用户界面设计师s make sure that players have enough information and guidance to interact with the game’s features.
质量保证(QA)测试员是许多玩家梦寐以求的工作. QA测试人员s have the important role of checking for bugs and glitches and making sure a game plays well.
Much like a movie producer, a game producer oversees the entire production process of a video game. 生产商s will need to have a creative vision and strong management skills.
电子游戏基本上就是软件, so software engineers have a large role in the creation of a video game. 软件工程师s may assist with multiple stages of the video game design process.
Unity是一款流行的游戏开发软件. Developers with a high level of expertise are in high demand across the gaming industry.
AR / VR开发人员
Augmented and virtual reality are at the cutting edge of the video game industry. AR / VR开发人员s use their knowledge of both hardware and software to create excellent user experiences in these contexts.
高水平的玩家争夺全球头衔和排名. The level of competition in gaming is creating a need for innovative coaches who can help gamers perform at their best.
One of the most exciting developments in the video gaming industry is the rise of e体育. E体育 teams are in need of skilled coaches who understand both gaming and coaching.
E体育 community managers help promote and foster the community that develops around a game.
A career as a game reviewer is a great option for students who have a good eye for user experience and strong communication skills.
Like most industries, jobs in gaming vary widely with experience and job title. The average base salary for a game designer in the United States is $73,895. Professionals in the gaming industry will typically experience increases in compensation as they gain experience and take on more senior and management roles.
To be considered a strong candidate for many roles in the gaming industry applicants will typically need to complete a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. 一个学位 PBA的B.A. 在游戏和互动媒体设计 will give students a great qualification to start a career in the gaming industry. 计算机科学学位, 软件工程, 网页设计, 图像设计也与游戏产业相关.
联系PBA了解更多关于我们的 网络游戏与互动媒体设计学位.